
Second International workshop on the use of theorem provers for modelling and verification at the hardware-software interface

Low level software such as kernels and drivers, along with the hardware this software runs on, is critical for application security. In contrast with user applications, OS kernel software runs in privileged CPU mode and is thus highly critical. Large projects such as seL4, VeriSoft, CertiKoS and Prosper have invested considerable resources in developing formally verified systems such as hypervisors and microkernels, supplying proofs that they satisfy critical properties. Such proofs are delicate in terms of the scale and complexity of real systems, the models used in performing the proof search, and the relations between the two, which recent vulnerabilities such as Spectre and Meltdown have shown to be a highly non-trivial issue.

The purpose of this workshop is to share, compare and disseminate best practices, tools and methodologies to verify OS kernels, also setting the stage for future steps in the direction of fully verified systems, dealing with issues related to modelling, model validation, and large proof maintenance through system evolution. On one hand, we need to make low-level proofs more scalable, modular and cost-effective. On the other hand, once certified systems are available, preservation and maintenance of their proofs of validity become key questions.

The goal of the ENTROPY workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners in this space, linking operating systems, formal methods, and hardware architecture, interested in system design as well as machine verified mathematical proofs using proof assistants such as Coq, Isabelle and HOL4.

This will be the second edition of the ENTROPY workshop series. The first workshop was organised by the Pip Development Team at University of Lille in 2018.

Invited Speakers


Arm Castor KTH Orange Saab
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